Called To Serve

Called To Serve
I am so excited for this opportunity to serve the people in Ghana for the next 2 years! Hope you enjoy all the letters and pictures!

Monday, June 26, 2017


Elder Vea's Birthday
mashed potatoes, marinated chicken, Bergie brew

Asokore Zongo

Hannah skipping rope

Monday, June 19, 2017

A Call to Serve

Elder Gillam and Elder Bergeson with friends

Tying charcoal for Mathilda and Morrison

Sister Linda and Sister Mary with Elder Bergeson

Monday, June 12, 2017


Gloria's Baptism

After the baptism with the District
Elder Bergeson forgot to bring a change of clothes, so he is a bit wet

Elder Vea, Elder Gillam and Elder Bergeson

Elder Fesolai went home, he will be missed

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Faith To Act

May 29th, 20017
John 8: 29

“And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.”

Family and Friends,
I have a new companion!!! Elder Gillam from Tehachapi, California has been called to be my eternal companion (we call the missionary that we finish with our eternal companion.) He is awesome. He is 20, just a few weeks older than I, and a small town boy. He is a parkour master so I got to see him do some back flips today at an activity, we will see how much I can learn. But the best thing is that I have a workout partner now in the morning! And he is a wonderful missionary as well. 

Two of our Districts in Koforidua Zone got together today and killed a pig. We have three Polynesians in our Zone so they made quick work of this four month old pig. You just cut the throat, gut it, put a stick running from the mouth to the back end, and roast it over the fire. Elder Flan II and I cooked the jollof-rice and we had quite the feast.

Missionary work has been the greatest blessing in my life. As you serve others you are given the opportunity to forget about yourself and your personal desires, and to give of your heart to others. You give and give and give and most often you don't find much in return, but it helps you to appreciate the good that we have. This Sunday after Church we were able to go out with our Relief Society Sisters to visit some of the sick and less active sisters. I love the Relief Society because they remind me so much of my Grandma, Mother, and my Sisters. They give me great advice, help me see things that I can do better, and are living examples to me of giving your life to Christ. Our Chapel is about a 15 minute walk from our Area and the Sisters just gird up their dresses and walked in the afternoon sun to visit those in need. I was so impressed with their desire to do the things that God has asked of them. They visited three sick sisters, teaching them and helping them to feel loved, and then acting in faith with us as Elder Gillam and I blessed them. And I've never seen a happier group of Sisters.

We are sons and daughters of God. We have power to act and choose to be as God is. God has not left us on this Earth alone to suffer and grind each day away. Our Heavenly Father is with us, He will never leave us alone, and He has put us here to find joy and to learn the good from the evil. But He is with us as we are with Him. Always do those things that please God and feel of His love and power in your life.

I love you all. Remember who you and what you can become.

Mi Kwaba,

Elder Bergeson

Monday, June 5, 2017

Teaching and Farming

Elder Bergeson is a pro in the rain

Morrison & Mathilda and kids

Mid-week Young Women and Young Men Activity

District Farming Project from left to right
Elder Vea (Tonga)
Elder Jiwa (Zimbabwe)
Elder Fesolai (Australia)
Elder Gillam (California)
Elder Crosby (Arizona)
Elder Bergeon (the only missionary in this mission from Washington)

Elder Bergson harvesting bamboo

Elder Bergson carrying bamboo on is head through the bush,
following another harvester

Posing for fun